Monthly Archives: January 2013

Unpacking baggage


When I first came back from China in 2011, the reverse culture shock/transition process was so burdensome that I couldn’t foresee ever feeling “normal” again.  And to some extent, I still feel abnormal.  But I’ve been changed and I’m glad about that.  Now that it’s been over a year, (geesh!) I can look back and trace God’s footprints in the entire situation.

As many of you know, I have been seeing a counselor for almost a year and when I first went to her, she asked me what it was that I wanted to gain from my time with her.  My response?  Freedom.  Little did I know that God had just been waiting for me to finally say that out loud.  He soon swung open the floodgates to an immense amount of emotional baggage that I had never unpacked or even peeked inside of.  Not only that, but it has seemed like every time I pull one thing out of the pile of emotional baggage, a new one pops up.  It reminds me of that old corny magic trick where the magician pulls a loooooong line of different colored handkerchiefs out of his pocket.  Well, I’m still not to the bottom of the pile, but I feel a lot closer than I think I have ever been.

One of the biggest praises to come out of this healing time has been the restoration of my relationship with my brother.  For about four years, we had no relationship- the result of a variety of reasons.  I honestly couldn’t imagine how God could heal this broken relationship. But God is bigger than every pile of emotional baggage and every problem inside of that baggage!  With the help of a counselor, my brother and I slowly weeded our way through past issues and at last, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel.  God had brought us both to a place where we were ready to put in the necessary work (Because let’s face it- it is definitely work!) to get to a place of healing.  It is a true testament to the power of God where our relationship is today.  Thank you, Lord, for healing us both and bringing my big brother and his family back to me.

Without divulging too much information, I will say that this was just one bag that I’ve sorted through in this time but I know there are more.  But with the freedom He has blessed me with, I can certainly see now why He brought me back here when He did.  He knew my every need when He closed OTC and brought me back here kicking and screaming (metaphorically speaking, of course).  My hope is that by the time I return to China, the only baggage I’ll be taking is the kind filled with clothes and plenty of deodorant.  (Joke for all my China peeps since there is NO deodorant in China)

Thanks you for your continued prayer support.  As you’ve read, it’s gone from your lips to God’s ears!

Until next time….