Monthly Archives: October 2012

Ain’t no mountain high enough


I’ve spent the last week and a half in Chicago going through the interview process for Long Term service.  Through the personality assessments, time with new friends at their church, and lots of time having to talk about myself, I’ve been reminded of just how far I have to go before I can be anywhere near the woman God intends me to be.  We are all works in progress, right?  Right now, I feel as though there should be orange hazard cones around me.  lol  Just to share a little bit of what I’m referring to- getting healthy is key:  mentally, emotionally, spiritually and yes, physically healthy.  The last one is my Mount Fuji it seems.  It is the Goliath to my David.  But I have to think POSITIVELY.  I must believe that I can do it- that I CAN have willpower, discipline, and the desire to be physically healthy once and for all.  Through Him all things are possible and “ain’t no mountain high enough” to keep me from getting to Him.

This brings me to the mental/emotional work that I must do.  Like the majority of the female population out there, my mirror is my arch enemy most of the time.  I struggle to see myself as beautifully and wonderfully made as the Word says I am.  This, too, is a Goliath in my life.  I covet your prayers as I trudge up these mountains in the coming months.  I believe that I will make it to the top of the mountain.  It  may take months or it may take years, but with His strength, I will make it.  I long for the freedom that I know is possible but has eluded me for so long.   Thank you for your thoughts on this.

Now that I’ve shared some SOUR things (that will eventually bring SWEETness), let me share the SWEETEST things from my trip!  I had my two very important interviews for Long Term service and……drum roll, please……

I have been affirmed and they are going to recommend me to the Board!  WHOOHOO!!!

This puts me two steps closer to officially being Long Term.  I will return to Chicago in March for my final interview.  Thank you all SO MUCH for your positive thoughts, words of encouragement, and especially your prayers throughout these interviews!  I ask for your continued prayers as I make the suggested corrections to my paper and as I prepare for the next step in this process.

Until next time, friends…..