Monthly Archives: August 2012

Finally home again


After several months of on again off again travel, I am back home in OKC.  Since May, I have been to South Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado, Texas, and Kansas.  It has been a whirlwind kind of summer with meeting new people, seeing new places, and telling more people about OTC than ever before.  I’ve met so many people that my head is still spinning and I only hope that I can keep their names straight should we cross paths again in the near future.  🙂

On my last trip to Texas, I visited Frontier Camp.  What an amazing opportunity to see the Father at work in so many young people.  It took me back to my college days when I first experienced true praise and worship time.  I saw young people literally on their faces before Him.  It stirred up that old fire in me and made me realize how much of that fire has gotten dowsed as I’ve gotten older.  Why is that?  How does that happen?  It has really made me ponder the degree of passion in my relationship with Him.  I want to regain that fire-the passion.  I’m so thankful that He allowed me to see these young people broken before Him and I hope that He will restore that passion in me.

Not only was I able to see great transformation in the lives of the young people at camp, but I was also able to make some connections with people from the Midsouth Conference.  What an awesome group of people!  I mean, I knew Texas was awesome, but wow!  These people were so gracious and friendly and really welcomed me into the fold.  A special thanks to Dale Lusk for the invite and the welcome!

Now that I’m home again, my work really begins.  I have three papers to get done in the next 3 weeks.  Two are for the Theology Class I just finished in MN and one is for the LTM process.  Please lift these papers up!  I need all the help I can get.  🙂

In addition, after all of the traveling I have done and all the places I’ve visited, it’s now time for follow-up.  As you all know, I am only able to do what I do through the contributions of people just like you.  And I have to raise A LOT of money in the coming months.  I need your help.  If you would like to become a supporter, please click on the link —-> to the RIGHT that says ONLINE GIVING and in just a few minutes, you can help me to continue to do what I do overseas!  Thank you all for your thoughts and for prayerfully considering being a part of my support team!

Until next time….