Monthly Archives: June 2012

Traveling here and there and everywhere


It’s been a while since my last update, so I figured I’d better take advantage of this precious Saturday afternoon time to give you all the latest scoop.  So, here goes!

As you all know, my summer schedule is craaaaazy.  It got kicked off last month in South Dakota.  I was so nervous about my first speaking engagement, but the nerves turned out to be the precursor to a fantastic experience.  I was greeted at the airport by two very friendly and familiar faces, Mark Chapman and Louis Clark.  I met them a few years ago when they came to a PL Connection.  We drove 2 hours to Labolt where Mark leads the Labolt Cov. congregation.  I spoke that night after a most excellent dumpling dinner.  🙂  I did get a bit choked up and teary towards the end because of a video I showed of PL, but I was told, “That shows your passion.”  I hope and pray that the audience members felt that passion as well.

The next day, I went back to Sioux Falls where I spoke to the youth that evening.  Their parents also attended.  It was a small group, but an involved group.  I showed several funny pictures of some of my experiences in China, including my acupuncture, to get their attention and I also quizzed them a little to see what they already knew or thought about China and worked my way from there.  I then went onto talk about what it was we did at OTC.  Again, my hope is that those young people will remember our talk and the things I told them about and that they too would someday decide to work overseas.

Lastly, after Sunday service, I spoke to those who chose to stay and listen about OTC.  I couldn’t tell you every detail of everything I said, but I can tell you that once I was done, I was SWEATING.  🙂  And it wasn’t because it was hot in there.  I was active apparently.  Imagine that.  The feedback that I received from the people there was very encouraging.  So, thank you to all of you who prayed for me before my trip.  God came through in a BIG way!

My next stop is Colorado.  I will be speaking in Loveland on July 8th.  If you’re in the area, I look forward to seeing you soon!  I love reunions!

Until next time…