Monthly Archives: July 2012

Rocky Mountain High


I’ve heard that old John Denver song, Colorado Rocky Mountain High, a zillion times, but never really understood what he actually  meant by that phrase until last weekend when I stood at the top of Pike’s Peak (Elevation 14, 110) and felt that high.  What an amazing feeling to be standing on the top of a mountain that is literally in the clouds and looking out into the magnificent wonder that is God’s creation.  Amazing.

I not only felt a high from being high in the mountains, but I also got a high from seeing familiar faces from BJ Connection and PLC.  It was like a big family reunion for me just as it was each year when those familiar faces would step off the bus in PL and we would hug our old friends who had brought a refreshing spirit with them.  I felt that spirit the night that I spoke about OTC to a crowd of about 30 people.  There was laughter, joy, and yes, even some tears that night which tells me…it was a good night.  I have great hope that awesome things are going to come out of this Rocky Mountain high.