Monthly Archives: February 2012

A New Energy


Over the past 3 and a half years, each day has been, as Forrest Gump said, “Like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re gonna get.”  I never knew if I would wake up with a pounding headache, neck ache or if I would actually feel ok.  As you can probably imagine, this took its toll and became rather exhausting both mentally and physically.

Well, I am SUPER happy to report that over the past 10 days, I have only had one headache and the really great news is that one headache wasn’t even a bad one!  I had an epiphany the other day…I had energy!  I found myself sitting in my living room wondering why I was just sitting there when I actually felt as though I could go do something.  This has led me to the realization that working out could finally become a regularly scheduled event…at long last.

I’ve seen the need for exercise through these past 3 and a half years and I knew that it was a necessity, but when your head is pounding or when your head starts pounding at the start of a workout, you don’t exactly make it a priority.  🙂  So, I’m excited to say that things are starting to look up around here and I’m hoping and praying that my head will continue to heal and maybe then, my body’s health can be a real focus.  Thank you for thinking on these things so continuously through these years!  PTL!

Valentine’s Day or as we singles call it…Tuesday


Today is that long awaited day known as Valentine’s Day.  Ok, so for singles, it’s not something we wait for, but none the less, it’s here.  I talked with several students today and yesterday and they all said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!  Have you found your Mr. Right?”  This is always a question for me though.  It doesn’t even have to be Valentine’s Day.  🙂  Lucky me, right?

Ok, on to other things….

So, as you know, I’ve been to several different doctors lately and doctor visits unfortunately, do not cost the same here as they do overseas.  As a result, I’ve decided that I could use a part-time temporary type job to help “catch me up” on my finances.  I sent out the word to everyone I know in the OKC area and have gotten a few responses, but nothing has really developed yet, so please keep this need in your thoughts.  Thank you!

Until next time folks…..

Headaches, heartaches, and hope


So, I finally saw a neurologist a few weeks ago about my migraines.  And yes, he affirmed, they are indeed migraines.  Yeah.  He gave me a specific diet which I must follow, new blood pressure meds, and Magnesium and B2 to take.  In 3 months, I’ll return to see how it’s all working or not working.  Let’s cross our fingers and toes that it will all work.  So far, I’ve had about 5 headaches since seeing him but none of them have been higher than a 5 on a scale of 10, so yippee!  🙂

I’ve really been struggling since returning back to the States with creating a new life here.  After my time overseas, it’s been hard to explain to friends and family and strangers how I feel and why I feel that way.  That was until Barbara Johnson, known to many as “The Nudge,” sent me an awesome metaphor for my life.  Here it is:

“And one day I realized that it was like transplanting a plant in your garden to a different spot.  You carefully prepare the new spot (the right place), dig it up make it ready, then dig up the plant and move it.  And what happens – it droops, it fades, and you think it’s going to die.  But suddenly the roots take hold, the leaves perk up, the plant stands straight – and it blossoms in the new place.  It just takes times to put down roots in a new place.  While this isn’t exactly a new place for you – in one sense it is.  Give this transplant some time to adapt and adjust to this new spot – which is the RIGHT spot for you to be in right now.  It will come – give it time.  God is the great gardener and he has you here in this right spot at the right time for the right purpose.   You WILL blossom!”

I couldn’t explain it, but this metaphor summed it up so simply.  I’ve been working on making new friends and broadening my social network which has been really difficult despite my being an extrovert.  The singles network is a hard place to re-adapt to, but I’m slowly making it through it.  Thank you all for thinking of me during this transition or transplant.  🙂  The Gardener has given me hope and I believe my roots are beginning to take hold.